Let's get aware of PCOD first before we get deeper into the changes that come along with this condition. PCOD (Polycystic ovarian disease) is mostly caused by a combination of hormonal imbalances and genetic tendencies. In a standard menstrual cycle, the two ovaries will alternately release mature, ready-to-fertilize eggs each month. Or we can also put it as PCOD is a condition where the ovaries get enlarged, and produce eggs that are inadequate or undeveloped and so it turns into cysts. The actual cause of polycystic ovary syndrome is not well known; however, it entails a mixture of genetics and daily routine. Diets that include excess spices, oily, junk food, obesity, and stressful and hormonal disturbances lead us to PCOD.


Many people are living with PCOD unwantedly, still, the exact causes of PCOD are to date unknown. But it is assumed based on some studies and observations that PCOD can be caused by excess insulin, unhealthy lifestyle, low-grade inflammation, high quantity production of male hormones, and genetics. Other factors which may cause PCOD are pollution and the start of periods at an early age.




Here we are listing some of the common symptoms of PCOD

- Irregular periods (2-3 months’ delay or so).

- Headaches

- Weight gain especially around the belly area

- Infertility

- Skin darkening especially around the neck region and pigmentation

- Heavy bleeding

- Facial hair growth

- Hair thinning or baldness




The risk factors of PCOD are several which people are usually not aware of. Some of these risk factors of PCOD, which if ignored, can be harmful are:

- Weight gain

- High risk of breast cancer

- High risk of endometrial cancer.




The doctors don’t have any exact solution to the problems of PCOD, but there are certain other treatments for PCOD such as:

- Many cases require advanced treatments like laparoscopic surgery

- Home remedies

- Lifestyle changes

- Injections and other oral medicines are suggested for ovulation and rupturing of the egg for solving the infertility issue.

- The best way of managing PCOD is weight management, consult a dietician and try reducing 5-10% of your total weight which will help in controlling PCOD; Also exercise and try yoregularlysis along with having a healthy meal plan.

- Consult gynecologists online for delays in periods or heavy bleeding issues.

- For infertility, doctors suggest fertility drugs.


A number of women trust the gynecologists at Sohana Hospital when they first notice the symptoms of PCOD/ PCOS. Our doctors diagnose the conditions correctly and plan the treatment that is best suited for you. 



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