Root canal treatment is also known as Root canal therapy, endodontic therapy, or endodontic treatment. It is a treatment sequence for the infected pulp of a tooth that is intended to result in the elimination of infection and the protection of the decontaminated tooth from future microbial invasion. Root canals and root canal’s associated pulp chamber are the hollows inside the tooth that are inhabited naturally by blood vessels, nerve tissue, and other cellular entities. Together, these items constitute the dental pulp. In simpler definition we can put it, a root canal treatment is also called as endodontic treatment and is required when the pulp that houses the connective tissues and blood vessels nerves becomes infected or inflamed.


The new-era RCT


There use to be a time when a RCT or root canal treatment involved multiple long sittings. But now that traditional root canal treatments have advanced significantly due to technological advancements.

A single sitting RCT can be carried out in a single session for acute infection with no pus collected in or around the tooth. An X-ray is the most essential diagnostic tool in such situation. It shows the presence or absence of pus build-up there inside.


How is Single sitting RCT conducted?


- The affected nerve tissue or pulp and the dentin (the layer beneath the enamel) are removed mechanically.

- The canals are disinfected and flushed by using irrigants such as Hydrogen Peroxide, EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), Na Hypochlorite (Warm), Chlorhexidine Gluconate, Dexamethasone, and general Saline.

- To accommodate the fillings comfortably, the canals are then shaped and expanded with the help of rotary files.

- A biocompatible material like Gutta Purcha (a strong plastic substance, comes from rubber of Malaysian trees) is filled into the clean and dry canals. Plus these canals are secured with the same material.




These are the few benefits single sitting root canal treatment:

- Only one session will improve your discomfort.

- It is a painless procedure.

- It is both cost and time-effective.

- It reduces fatigue in both the patient and surgeon.

- The canals are flushed and disinfected by using irrigants such as Hydrogen Peroxide, EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), NaHypochloritee (Warm), Chlorhexidine Gluconate, Dexamethasone, and general Saline.


Sohana Hospital has the most experienced dentists who are experts in employing the latest technological advancements for the benefit of their patients. Our dentists make sure to understand the needs of the patients and give them their smiles back. No doubt, we always fulfill the needs of the patients and eliminate their dental pain. 



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