Diabetics and Handling Summers


Summers are fun for so many people as they plan to travel places and enjoy vacations. However, it's not the same scenario for diabetics who need to take care of a lot of things. You can't go looking for a diabetesdoctor near me, now and then, on the run. Planning things prior will leave no impact on your body's sugar levels. If you have a healthy lifestyle, even humid places won't bother you with diabetic complications.


Hydration is necessary


The foremost thing for diabetics to stick to is to keep themselves hydrated. If you don't drink enough water, the loss of fluids can have severe damage to your body. Make sure to drink at least 5 litres of water every day to keep yourself adequately hydrated. Dehydration can affect your appetite and hence, your body's sugar levels also. You don't want to keep yourself suffering from hypoglycemia while enjoying the vacation.


Emergencies handled with insulin


You might not have a diabetes hospital near me available or accessible at any place you are. So, a better idea is to keep insulin handy for unforeseen emergencies arising. Apart from insulin, you must carry all the medications, if any, you are consuming. Carey your insulin pouch and keep it away from direct sunlight to ensure the temperature is maintained. You can wrap the pouch in a moist cloth that won't affect the temperature of the vials.


Regular monitoring


Any diabetic patient must check his or her insulin and blood sugar levels regularly. If you see your sugar levels going up or down, plan your diet and the rest of the things accordingly. If the levels are fluctuating unexpectedly and seem to be bothering you, do not hesitate to see your doctor.


Say NO to heavy meals


A diabetic patient must not take heavy meals or eat heavily during dinner time. You can ask your doctor to prepare a diabetespatient diet chart for you considering the changed appetite during summer. If you are a diabetic, make sure you do not skip any meal of the day whether breakfast or dinner. If you skip, your medication intake and hence your sugar levels will also get affected.


Diabetes-friendly fruits


You must ask your doctor about fruits and beverages that will help keep your sugar levels in control. Coconut water, buttermilk, and curd are some of the best options for diabetic patients. You may have iced tea/ coffee and lemon juice as well but avoid sugar or jaggery in it.


Sohana Hospital has the best diabetologist with immense knowledge and experience. Our doctors not only give you the right treatment but also prepare a diet chart according to your appetite.


Book an appointment with one of our diabetologists today and make sure your summer vacations go well as you travel.


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