Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism Spectrum is a neurodevelopmental condition that significantly impacts communication, social interaction and behavior which interferes with daily functioning, such as ability to function in school, work, and other areas of life. 

Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorders : 

Classic Autism

A person with autism disorder has difficulty with cognition, functioning in a social setting and communicating thoughts or feelings. People with ASD are hypersensitive and avoid communication with people. 

Asperger Syndrome

Someone with Asperger’s Syndrome has trouble with social skills and has an obsessive focus to repeat the same behaviors, actions and words again and again.

Rett Syndrome

Rett Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder of the brain that affects the development of the brain. People affected by this disorder progressively lose motor skills. Rett Syndrome is often more prevalent in women than in men. 


Childhood Disintegrative Disorder 

This disorder is also called Heller’s Syndrome. A child with Childhood Disintegrative Disorder presents normal development till age 4-5 years but exhibits signs of progressive deterioration of language, social and motor skills. This disorder is mainly categorized as late onset as most other Autism Spectrum Disorders present signs early on. 

As is evident, most disorders that fall under Autism have similar characteristics. As the overlap was so profound, the term Autism was renamed as a Spectrum Disorder as it was hard to make distinctions of one from the other.

Symptoms of ASDs are mainly : 

  • Prefers alone time
  • Troubles interpreting others
  • Feels troubled with loud noises
  • Avoids eye contact 
  • Repetitive movements 
  • Problems with communication

Let us now learn ways in which ASD symptoms can be managed and treated

  • Applied behavior analysis

ABAs are used as a tool to provide therapy to children at an early stage of cognitive development. Informative knowledge is reinforced and a step by step customized plan is tailor made in accordance with prescribed guidelines as well as the comfort of the child Behavioral skills are taught such as social interactions, reading, writing, motor skills, academics, showering and grooming, daily life skills and punctuality amongst other essential skills. Aggression, anger, mood disorders are also taught how to be curbed.

  • Government Programs

The Constitution of India under Rights of Persons with Disability Act 2016 provides several government schemes and programmes for disabled people in India mentioned as followed : 

1.    The National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities

2.    Samarth Scheme

3.    GHARAUNDA (Group Home And Rehabilitation Activities for Disabled Adults)

4.    Niramaya (Health Insurance Scheme)

5.    VIKAAS Day Care

  • Drug therapy

Drug Therapy does not alter underlying disorders but certain inhibitors may effectively reduce repetitive behaviors of people with ASD. Antipsychotic drugs may be used to reduce harmful behavior with risk of physical side effects. Mood stabilizers and psychostimulants may also be used to curb impulse or erratic behavior.

Autism doctor near me - Sohana Hospital Mohali has a team of highly qualified doctors in the field of Neurology and Neurosurgery. Your child deserves nothing but the best and Sohana Hospital provides complete management of highly functioning autism, treatments and services for complex neurological and developmental disorders. With autistic specialist near me, The department is equipped with the best in class state of the art technology to treat patients in an affordable manner.


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