The Importance of Calcium During Menopause

 Menopause marks the end of a menstrual cycle and usually occurs in women in their 50s. Menopause is considered a rite of passage in a woman’s life. However, it brings along many physiological and mental difficulties in women who are unable to manage it well.

Menopausal women experience a range of physiological changes including a calcium deficiency. 

Problem #1 Menopausal induced Osteoporosis causes the bones to become weak and brittle which may result in fractures of the vertebrae, hip and wrist. 

Solution- Calcium supplements should be taken along with Vitamin D. Your body needs vitamin D for optimal absorption of calcium. If you're experiencing menopausal symptoms you are more susceptible to calcium deficiency than a normal human being. Some natural sources of Vitamin D include sunlight, varieties of fish, oranges, dairy and egg yolks.

Problem #2 Hypocalcaemia causes numbness in the face and hands.

Solution- Adding milk to your diet through tea and coffee is a great way to combat calcium deficiency. Taking caffeine on a daily basis adversely affects the chances of calcium absorption however you can replace your black coffee with a latte and ensure calcium intake every day. 

Problem #3 Menopausal hot flashes

Solution- Limit or stop your alcohol consumption. Although it may feel nice to be able to have a glass or two of wine, alcohol is one of the biggest factors adding to a menopausal symptom called hot flashes wherein women may experience sudden unpleasant warmth spreading through their face and body with a flushed red appearance accompanied by a rapid heartbeat, chills and anxiety.

The Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at Sohana Hospital is committed to provide the highest quality nutritional care to its patients. As every woman requires support to help her through various stages of life. Look no further as Sohana Hospital has the best female gynaecologists and state of the art facilities available at your service.


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