What to do in Case of Emergencies; be a Responsible First Responder (Part2)


Case 3 : Choking & Asphyxiation

Asphyxiation happens when the body is deprived of oxygen, which can result in unconsciousness or death due to suffocation.

Step 1 : Notice the first signs of choking. Gagging, wheezing, turning blue in the face, waving of the arms and looking panicked are all signs of choking.

Step 2 : Administer the Heimlich Maneuver. 

  • Stand behind the person and make them lean forward. 
  • Put your arms around their waist and clench your fist and place it between their (navel) and rib cage. 
  • Grab your fist with your other hand.
  • Pull sharply first backward and upward under the person’s rib cage in quick thrusts.
  • Repeat until the object is out of the trachea. 


Case 4 : Burns 

A burn wound occurs when the skin and skin tissue comes in contact with heat or radioactive electricity or comes in contact with skin corroding chemicals. 

There are degrees to burn wounds and they are as follows - 

  1. First-degree burns - This kind of burn only harms the skin to the extent of its outer layer causing redness, swelling and other minor blisters. 
  2. Second-degree burn- This kind of burn is twice in severity than the first degree burn and causes blistering, swelling and redness. If it is on a major joint or affects the skin more than 2-3 inches wide, it is considered a major burn.

3.    Third-degree burn- The most severe form of burn wound. This occurs when the heat causes the skin to corrode deep within its layers. It shows signs of blackish blue pigment, blisters and boils. 

Burn wounds can be treated using the following steps -

Step 1 : Gently clean the area with cold water (Do not use ice)

Step 2 : If the burn is not severe, cover the wound with gauze or clean cloth and clean it with anti-inflammatory ointments like aloe vera or hydrocortisone and consume a pain killer for the same.

Step 3 : If any blisters form, make sure to not scratch the affected areas until it heals completely. 

Finding the bestcritical care specialist around you is imperative to a faster response time for the injured person. Sohana Hospital, Mohali has a world class trauma center with critical care ambulance service and life-saving treatment options available such as dialysis machine, oxygen support, ventilator, feed tubes, trauma management for burn injuries, cardiac arrest, head traumas, blunt force traumas, MVA’s, strokes and life threatening allergies.


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