Benefits of Oculoplastic Surgery


The moment a patient hears eye surgery, various surgical procedures concerning the eye come to their mind. However, various other procedures require specialists like oculoplastic surgeons to treat the condition. You might go for contoura LASIK and SMILE but some people remain unaware of the benefits of oculoplastic surgery even today. This surgical procedure is concerned with the orbit of the eye, eyelids, and tear ducts. The surgery is performed for either corrective or reconstructive purposes.




Oculoplastic surgery is used to treat varying medical conditions occurring due to injuries, aging, and birth defects. It can also treat conditions caused due to Grave's disease or due to thyroid. One may experience tear duct blockage, drooping eyelids, and protrusion or bulging of the eyes. These conditions have a high chance of affecting the vision and might require oculoplastic surgery. Although advancements like contoura visionsurgery are available, oculoplastic surgery is an ideal one for these conditions.


Conditions treated with oculoplastic surgery


       Brow ptosis: Drooping of the eyebrows has a high chance of affecting your vision. Brow ptosis affects your vision largely and needs oculoplastic surgery for prompt treatment.

       Eyelid growths: The eyelid growth are gradual but may turn malignant. You must undergo testing and removal after the doctor's advice to treat the condition.

       Reconstructive surgery: Contoura vision in Mohali is a good treatment choice but oculoplastic surgery is a better treatment when it comes to reconstructive surgeries.

       Ptosis: Drooping of the upper eyelids due to contact lens wear, cataract, aging, or injury requiring surgical procedures to be done. If your ptosis is interfering with your normal eyesight and vision is getting affected, you must opt for oculoplastic surgery.

       Tear duct blockage: You may suffer from this condition due to injury or it may appear as a birth defect. Patients suffering from this condition experience crusting, pain, watering, or chronic tearing. Oculoplastic surgery may help treat the condition and provide relief.


Sohana Hospital has an advanced eye care centre with top-notch technology and machines that aid in the accurate diagnosis of medical conditions. Our eye specialist in Mohali holds years of experience in diagnosing and treating the most complex conditions with ease to make treatment easier for you. Choose Sohana Hospital and our team promises to offer you the best treatment.


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