Most Common NICU Problems That Babies Suffer


A newborn baby may suffer from a range of medical conditions that you may or may not know about. These conditions may make your baby stay in the NICU for a short or a longer period. Many parents tend to get worried when they first hear about these medical conditions. Having some knowledge about the same may not frighten you as you would be already familiarized with these conditions. Without much ado, let's learn a little about the most common problems that NICU babies suffer.




You might look for a level III NICU near me if your newborn baby is suffering from anemia which involves a low RBC count in babies. Many premature babies don't get enough time to store iron in the later months of pregnancy. Because of this, they have less stored iron to make red blood cells and hence, suffer from anemia. However, you need not worry if your NICU baby is suffering from anemia because there is treatment available for the same. Your anemic baby can be treated with a blood transfusion or dietary iron supplements.


Breathing problems


The lungs of some babies are not fully developed at the time of birth, especially in premature babies. You might need to look for level III NICU hospitals near me if your baby is suffering from breathing problems. The part of their brains that regulate breathing is immature and hence, they need the right treatment. The doctor might suggest using a respirator or medicines for treating the same. They might also advise NICU monitoring devices or varying interventions.




When the extremities, lips, or gums show bluish discoloration, it might be cyanosis. Newborn babies usually suffer from this condition when the oxygen content in their blood is low due to brain or heart problems. The doctor at the child specialist hospital in Chandigarh might recommend some tests for your baby to understand the seriousness of the condition. Accordingly, they might plan the treatment for your baby.


Heart failure


When the heart is unable to maintain adequate pumping, heart failure may occur. A pediatrician in Chandigarh might best determine the reason for inadequate pumping of the heart of your baby. Most NICU babies are given digitalis to treat the condition but other treatments are also available.


Sohana Hospital has a well-equipped NICU facility with the best treatments available. Our doctors hold expertise in treating the most complicated conditions of NICU babies without causing them any discomfort. They are available round-the-clock to take care of your baby and resolve any queries you might have.


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