Treating Cataract and Glaucoma Together

The organ of sight, eyes connect us to the world. However, several conditions can affect their functioning and can lead to blurry vision. Cataract and Glaucoma are two of them. The clouding of a normal lens is what you can call a cataract. Anyone suffering from it sees the world just the way it appears from a foggy window.  Glaucoma or Kalamotia refers to the condition which happens due to damage to the optic nerve. It leads to the formation of blind spots, blurred vision, and can turn into blindness. Both of these mainly affect older people. Probably, it is one of the reasons why some people can have both. In a situation like this, when does a person need to go for surgery? Let’s find it out!

When Vision Is Not Affected By Cataract

A cataract does not always call for surgery. In situations when it doesn’t stand in the way of the glaucoma patient’s activities and has less vision loss, one can think of going for treating glaucoma first. One may either have to go for surgery or medicines, depending on what the doctors recommend. For it, all that’s needed to do is to take out your phone and type eye care specialists near me.  

When Glaucoma Doesn’t Affect the Vision

When one has mild glaucoma and cataract needs more attention, one can think of going for cataract treatment first. Cataract surgery can lead to a decrease in eye pressure for the majority of patients. It can help make glaucoma management better. Now that’s something you can call a double benefit. The surgery might have several other benefits as well. Get in touch with your eye doctor. Visiting an eye hospital in Chandigarh can be a good option for people residing in adjoining cities as well. 

When Both of Them Are Severe

In situations where both glaucoma and cataract is severe, one might have to go for combined surgery. It can include glaucoma surgery such as trabeculectomy and cataract removal and IOL implantation. However, the decision about these would need an experienced eye surgeon. So, the initial step you need to take is to look for one. Blessed enough with digital world, no matter if you are in Himachal or Chandigarh, an eye specialist can be reached with just a few clicks.

Final Thoughts

In this article, you got familiar with three situations related to glaucoma and cataract surgery. You learned about the situations in which you can put treating glaucoma first and then go for cataract surgery and vice versa. Whether it is cataract surgery or one for specs removal, consulting ophthalmologists first can help you choose wisely.

Snippet: In situations when a person has both glaucoma and cataract, it is essential to know which condition has to be treated first.

Author’s Bio: Sakshi Mehta is an ardent writer who strives to present her thoughts via her writings. Talking of health writings, having an interest in medical sciences since always helped her earn the experience in them. Writing is her way of sharing the information with the users in an interesting and easy to read way. Stay connected to explore more of her writings.


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